Game Community
old times with weird characters (OFFICIAL LOL)
27 Members

Comments (21)

What do you think?

we need the friggin nights and old times with weird characters

this guy has 12 years and draws horny epic

Not gonna lie, my old Mario OC would fit in a game like this. Also, the art looks amazing.

Can't I'm making fan art



you're in control of a really hot gu-a fox called @OfficialStupidGreenFox you're looking for a job because you're a hell of a bum who makes art at gamejolt so looking for jobs you find a job at a restaurant called "nintega's magnificent glorious dinner ass potato" which was built by a very badass guy called the void man along with his friends who had the great idea of ​​resurrecting the old ocs era by building a weirdest and stupidest restaurant there is, so now you will have to spend a month (in the game it's only 8 nights lol) to receive a salary of 1,200 dollars, but as the name says, but a "copy" of fnaf, so you already You know right.


  1. nintega

  2. wolf boy

  3. the bad player

  4. fobi

  5. odd creature

  6. the black thing

  7. scrapot

  8. bott/S.R.I.S.T

  9. ballon pal

  10. -(deleted file)-


me: artist,director and other's

programmer: @FabriJuega777

beta tester: @ShadowWony

ideas: all the peoples in the new team phantom lol and the fnwo community lol

-special thanks to-

-and you.-

for being amazing people :D

Fnwo original ideia by: @Fobi

some design of character's original made by @fobi and @The_Nyesh_Man

some redesign made by: me lol

-inspirations and some credits-

one night at flumpty (inspirations-jumpscares) by @Jonochrome

project joaco (inspirations-gameplay and desing) by: @Dis_Pop

fnas (inspirations-some things) create by @TheCyVap and onwer of the series: @PyroRapidFox


#fangame #fnaf

Cartoon Violence
Mild Fantasy Violence
Mild Realistic Violence
Animated Bloodshed
Alcohol Use
Drug Use
Brief Nudity
Suggestive Themes
Strong Language
Crass Humor

the character's of this game probably gonna be a redesign lol


@FabriJuega777 is the coder of the game lol

i need a programmer for the game lol

40 follower's....... thanks...i guess lol

old times with weird character's remade character's lol

(I remade because the old ones were huge lol)

sexy teaser.mp67 :ass:

dont question lol

custom the bitch concept complete lol pen@\s potato


see here all the mechanics of all the hot character's of the game lol